Thursday, 31 March 2011

At your mercy

Lord, my God Almighty, I am at your mercy!

I need breakthrough! I pray and pray and pray for this breakthrough in Jesus Mighty Name! I declare a breakthrough with my situation Lord. help me to trust you with the provision of work - What am I to do?!
Lord I am at you mercy, do not leave me Lord when I am at your feet. Do not leave me in my troubled day in my time of troubles.. I yearn to trust you yet I am finiding it hard.. I ask for conformation in a work place; Lord where is it to be? I feel like I  know but I woulf like, once more a conformation, an encouragement of some form. Oh how weak my faith is!! Lord you are much bigger than all I am, than all the earth and all the universe. So why can I not trust you...

Am I undeserving? Unfaithful? Lord, emerse me in your amazing Love, your amazing Grace and your abundant provision, a provision in the highest that only you can provide..

Lord I am trusting you. I am trying at the very least! Lord I feel lost, provide a light for me in my place of darkness.

I plead these things in the blood of the Lamb.

Hallelujah God is good in all He does..


Doubt, Grace and Eternal Love.

Doubt is a thing we all, as human beings face.
We doubt people, we doubt God and we doubt ourselves.
Whether or not we like to admit it we all do.

So why is there this doubt in our lives and in this world - throughout the the history of this world we have found doubt everywhere..

Whether or not it was because of someones actions towards us or we are just naturally skeptical we all doubt in some form.

Being human we all want some form of conformation and tangeable evidence of the purpose of our lives.

We all want to be accepted. But over the years of our lives we are beaten, abused and put down by others. This springs from the self-doubt people have in there own lives.

Now even us, whom have Christ as our Mighty Saviour, doubt. And why is this?

Discuss this if you want I will add to this at some later point..