Wednesday, 3 August 2011

True Repentance; True Forgiveness. III.VIII.MMXI

My brothers and sisters I challenge you; when we come to the Father in Repentance to ask for Forgiveness are you truly sorry? Are you sincere in all your heart, mind, soul and spirit?

If not, are you forgiven?

If so, were you on your hands and knees torn at the thought of what you had done?
Or had you put in your Christian card into the atm of God and withdrawn some forgivness?

My brothers and sisters do you claim it in the Name of Jesus or by the blood of Christ that was spilt on the Cross at Cavalry?

For me I am struggling with this now. and Romans 7:15-18 spells it out greatly for me (also to the end of the chapter and chapter 8 aswell)

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do but what I hate I do, And if I do what I do not want to do I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer myself who do it but the sin living in me."

I feel that after we have committed a sin or sins that as we go to ask for forgiveness it is so that we can be free from that feeling of guilt (from what I understand in Romans 7), not because we are sorry for what we have done, and that is trespass God.

That is why I said " you claim it in the Name of Jesus or by the blood of Christ that was spilt on the Cross at Cavalry?"

In Ephesians 1:7-9 it says: "In Him we find redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance, with the riches of Gods grace the he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding..."

And in the OT they would sacrifice the first born animal without defect, sprinkling it's blood on the altar for the forgiveness of their sins.

Jeremiah 13 talks about our pride and how long will we go unclean?

How long will we go unclean?

I feel greatly that God is challenging me on this: "Are you really repentant; are you really forgiven?"

God would also say that He can bring good out of everything and anything. He is in all the good that you do no matter how you feel or who you feel you are God can use a broken vessel with his perfect love because he is a perfect Father and Creator.

I just to challenge you all to make repentance sincere. Ask God to meet with you on this.

Is your repentance like an atm transaction or are you sincere and aware of the sin committed against God or others?

I hope and pray these words help you in someway.

God bless and grace and peace unto you all.

From a loving brother to the Body.

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