Friday, 8 April 2011

Joy in His presence

Be joyful in the time you spend in the presence of the Lord, for you may have it now but tomorrow it could be gone; your heart hardened unto God because you forsook the timing and did not spend time in His presence then. Though you may not see it like this, you will feel that God let you down when actually you yourself ignored an annointed time to spen with God.
Take hold of that time!
For if you ignore it, it is like saying you love something else than yopu Love spending time with God. So I encourage you all to ready and aware of this feeling and grasp it and go into it looking  and searhing deeper into your relationship with God. And remember that it's not always emotional with God, sometimes you have to push through, be determined and actually discipline yourself to sit, listen, wait and talk to God for as long as you feel to.

This is not for condemnation but if you feel convicted then Hallelujah!! For God is moving something in you so that He can show you what He wants for you in your life, and that my dear brothers and sisters is always good. Take joy in the hard times and persevere, call on the name of the Lord and He will come; not always in the way that you think for God is not confined by your perception so be ready for the unexpected and always check your thoughts against Gods word for your thoughts are not always Gods, and same with your ways.

I apologise if thisn is confusing or contradicts itself but I write what I feel God is leading me to write.

If the meaning of this is too confusing then perhaps this verse will help you to understand what I mean: Romans 5:3-5.

Rejoice - take joy - in the hard times, the testing times and the times where you feel stuck and confused for God is using these times to refine the diamond within you, to remove the dross from the silver and prune back branches that bear no fruit; or that bear fruit but not as much as it should. Praise God in these times and I mean really praise God!! Thank Him for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!! Let nothing go passed your mond without praise and thanks going unto God for sooner or later one of those thoughts and thanks-givings will strike a cord within you and you will be pierced with anguish or love or overwhelming amazement at the new revalation that God has worked within you; Hallelujah!!

I am glad that we do not percieve or understand everything dor if we did we would not have to rely on God to make us aware or to give us realisations that leave us breatheless and utterly over-whelmed with the realisation of Gods true glory, if only in part.

Hallelujah Hallelujah HALLELUJAH!!

Praise God; I pray that all who read this will  have their hearts and minds opened to Gods voice and His calling to spend tome with Him. I pray that there will be a new yearning in your hearts to seek his face and to seek His pure Love and Will; and the calling that He has for you life; do not be envious of others call, take joy in your  own; work on your on strengths and ask God to partner with you in all you do. I pray for His enduring,amazing love to be upon you know in Jeus Mighty Mighty Name, Hallelujah.


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