Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Words not my own

Lord, i come before you with this one simple wish.

          A need to be with you

            A yearning to feel you  and yo just bathe in Your prescence.

This I cannot wait for; Your love, like the oceans, deep and wide. Unfathomable.

You alone Lord, is what my spirit seeks; my flesh not knowing what it wants brings itself to destruction; the two are not in unison and this I do not like.

                         Let not there be a hesitation to shout Your name!

                          Let not there be disagreement between spirit and flesh, let the two be of the same desire
                           with a heart after Yours; Your own Heart that you so clearly pour love out of. Love for all
                             man kind to see, to hear and to feel.

  For all, this love you give
   For all, Your life you gave
    For all, grace you continue giving

For all You wait, for all You move, for all You give and for all You forgive.

                   For all, this freedom is here; not all see yet here it is before a just court it waits, percieving only
                    the heart of a man. Motive means nothing when the heart is in disrepair; bearing
                     bad fruit to the dismay of such a mans father..


                 Forgiveness waits....

                  Waits for those....

  Those whom have chosen the Christ; the Messiah.

The Messiah to be their one and only saviour, the savior of their soul; a soul that was born with a knowledge. A knowledge, in part, of God; a knowledge and a seeking for the Christ. The Christ that has been, thatmis and that is to come. He is oine and the same; a mighty God ready to always claim us as His own, yet do we claim Him?

  We must! For who else would die for all? Who else would, who could take that burden? Hmm?
                            Tell me!

None but Jesus Christ of the lost, the down trodden and those lost in their sin. For it was those that He came for! Yes He came for all but I tell you we are all lost to our sin until we claim Jesus as our Lord and Saviour!

The the Father sets us free...


Because He loves us, because He is Graceful! He is Merciful!

Full of these things our God is...

  People wake up! wake up and realise WHO IT IS that has saved you!

Who it is that hath rescued you from your evil and wicked ways; from your confusion and continual sin.

Do you know him?
                                DO YOU?

He is everything and always, always, always..

                    He is forever and everything; everything and forever.

  Do you want to know Him more?
        Ofcourse you do!


             Why would you want one?!

                       TELL ME!!

He wants to nkwo you more so what is your reason for not seeking Him in all His deserved Glory?

We can use life as an excuse:
Our jobs
Our family
Our friends
Our commitments
Our material posetions!

Ignorant fools! Do you not see how we have let so much materialistic junk cloud our immature pubescant minds?!

We worry each day about junk, mostly that of which we do not need!

Let us not fall into this trap.

There are thos with less than you who live more joyful lives than you!

So tell me, where is your excuse?..

*Please note that I do not exclude myself from these words and rants. I amguilty of much of this myself*

In light of this, Lord I pray that you Let it rain!

Let it rain with Your Glory and power

   Let it rain with Your love and mercy
      Let it rain with Your Peace and Grace!

Let your spirit reign within our lives, within our churches; within out town, cities and work places; Let there be a new joy among us!

  Among the old, the young, the young; new in the faith and those faithful to you!

In schools, shops, homes, parks, hospitals, morgues, pubs, hotels, strip clubs and above all... Our hearts and minds!

We wana see you high and lifted up!! High above everything and anything in this world! For you are the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings!


Our God is not dead, NO!! He is risen and He is waiting for you, no He is fighting for you everyday. Open your blind and ignorant eyes and see what your God has done for you and you alone.

For you He DIED!!


Where is your thanks?

   Where is your praise?

Should it not be in your Heart every second, every minute, every hour, every day, week and month of the year in your life?

Let God give you grace to continue all things good and great in His mighty name, for "I can can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."..

Rise up!!
   Rise up!!

       Rise up in the Name of the Lord! Take hold of your lives, your homes and be saved, praise God and fight the great fight until your last living breath, for Heaven, she is yours if you so choose it. He has chosen you, walk with Him and experience Abba, father; Abba, father of all, of all, of all, of all!!

The Lord has gifted me with the ability to write and write I shall!
Till 10:30 on the 19th I shall write, half an hour more to write for my Lord, for His glory, His honour and His defence. Defence He does not need Fir He is God yet I choose to out of my love for Him.

He gave His all for me, why shouldn't I?

        I have no excuse not to except my own failings prevent me from doing so yet I strive and strive and strive to be one with God; to seek my saviour in all I do and when I stumble He waits for me, picks me up when I fall and carries me when the strength of my own runs out, for He is strongest in my weakness. In our weakness He is exalted and glorified; He is lifted high and the Lord of all our lives. He is worthy of our praise! Never shall I leave Him. Even if I try I cannot. Why? Well let  me ask you this, if you leave your fathers home are you still your fathers son? You walk away but you never do you leave. Even then you cannot be ignorant to the truth. The truth that is salvation, the salvation of all through the death and ressurection of our mighty merciful Lord Jesus Christ.

 20 minutes....

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

I thank the Lord for whom He has made me to be in full. All of my strengths and weakness, I thank Him for. All of my gifts and talents, I thank Him for. I thank Him for all of my hopes and dreams.

Oh Lord, oh Lord I love you dearly, I do. Even though *"For what I want to do I do not do, but nwhat I hate I do."*

I love you still for I know that it is the sin living in me that leads me astray and not the love that you yourself poured out onto me,

Lord you are beyond comprehension, beyond my imagination and beyond temporal recogniton.

 Much, much more could be said of you but I do not have the words to explain it. You are beyond explanation yet we all try whole-heartedly.

For you are the one true God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beggining and the End; You're my life and my all. My strength and my sustainance. Never leave me nor forsake me! These things I know you will never do, for you are always here, always watching and always giving. Giving out of a love we cannot comprehend.
Yet we thank you for your immense love regardless.

                                                  Reagardless of where we are....
                                                                                    Who we are...

            What we are...

10 mins...

We thank you for the cross; the place where you bore all pain and shame, all sin and even death itself. You endured the worst so that we may live in the best. Even in the face of persecution will we laugh and be joyful. We will shout "Ha! thank you Lord that we may suffer for your name!"  It is the least we can do for our noble, amazing King of eternal glory. With all my being I write these words, with your guidance, wisdom and knowledge I write. For you and you only. Those who read, read of my love for you and may they benefit, benefit in anyway, anyway that may help them in their life and walk with you.

Lord in fact I pray and ask this in Jesus Mighty Name!

Let the love expressed between us become a testiment to those also whom love you to those who know of you even those lost and blind. Bless them for they do not yet know of your name or the love you have for them. Bless them mightily and let your hand stretch out to them and comfort them always. Let these words be a benefit to the lost and found; those still searching and found wanting. Bless them in all they do, bless their hearts and minds so they readily recieve Christ, Your son with open hearts so they may love you, seek you and worship you all the days of their lives and until the day you return.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!

Let you will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Love to all and to you my dear God,
Love, Your servant and son


God Bless,

Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Hallelujah!!


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