Monday, 18 April 2011

The Last Generation

We, the generation of last to come.
We have the yearing, the heart thirsty for God
We YEARN to see His glory here on earth
We will be the ones to let this be, but only because of our hearts willing to let God use us, willing to walk with Him and do EVERYTHING we can to see His kingdom come.
We are a generation who realise what hold us back and we will not stand for it, we wil; stand in Gods righteouness, his justive our own and we will push back the forces of darkness in no other name but the name of Jesus Christ our mighty saviour!!

Lyrics by For Today: Isaiah.

Here I am, God.
Send me to the world.
There is a burden on my heart,
to let the world know that You are God.
From You, the mighty King of Kings,
I learn the word that sustains the weary heart.
But, I have been silent for far too long.

I love them too much to sit back and watch them die.
So, take the life that you gave to me, Lord,
and speak your heart to a generation.

Brothers and sisters,
my prayer for you has been heard.
And you can take refuge and hope in this word:

This is the end of the world as we know it.
Death will hold no power.
Dry your tears and lift your head.
Death will hold no power.

Let the light of life shine down upon a people of darkness.

We are the grateful forgiven;
the restored and renewed.
We will take for ourselves no rest,
until we are face of God on the earth.
And take no rest, God.
Take no rest for yourself.
Take no rest, oh, Lord.
May we be the generation to bring your glory down.

Our generation will prophecy.
So let the world know,
we are a dynasty.

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